Register to Vote
Registration to vote is a right of any American. It is available to any individual over the age of 18 who is a United States citizen and meets voter requirements.
Change of Address
Voters registered in Miami-Dade County can check that their information is accurate, as well as request a change of address online. Voters relocating into Miami-Dade from another Florida county can request their address changes through the Elections Department.
- Email:
- Telephone: 305-499-8683 (VOTE)
- Fax: 305-499-8371
In order to fulfill a change of address, you must provide your full legal name, new residence and mailing address, date of birth, and optional telephone number.
Voters relocating into Miami-Dade County from another Florida county can additionally submit a Voter’s Registration Application to the Miami-Dade Elections Department by mail.
Supervisor of Elections
Attn: Registration Division
PO BOX 521550
MIAMI, FL 33152
Where to Vote
Once Election Day has arrived, you can cast your vote at a polling station. These are generally public buildings such as churches, schools, sports halls, and local government offices. You can find a polling station near your work or residence at this site.
Information on Absentee Ballots
Deadlines for Absentee Ballots:
- Absentee ballots must be received by 5:00 pm on the Wednesday prior to the election.
- Voted ballots are due by 7:00 pm on Election Day
Rules for Florida absentee ballots
All registered Florida voters can apply for an absentee ballot and vote by mail.
Instructions for Florida absentee ballots
- Utilize the Absentee Ballot Tool to prepare an application.
- Ensure all the information is correct on the form, including signing and dating.
- Return the completed application to your Local Election Official as soon as possible.
- All Local Election Officials accept mailed and hand-delivered forms. If your submission is close to the deadline, query your Local Election Official if delivery by fax or email will be accepted.
- Ensure that your application is received by your Local Election Official by the deadline. Your application must arrive by this time. A postmarked application prior to the deadline but received afterwards will not be accepted.
- Any further questions on the process can be addressed by your Local Election Official
Once you have received an absentee ballot
- Carefully read and follow the instructions on the ballot.
- Sign and date the ballot where indicated.
- Mail your completed ballot to the address indicated on the enclosed return envelope.
- The ballot must arrive on the deadline. Any ballots received after the deadline, including those postmarked at an earlier date will not be accepted.